Monday, January 18, 2010


So, this blog thing isn't necessarily new to me but beyond the relative scope of Myspace blogging, Facebook notes and the failed attempt at creating a LiveJournal account once upon a time, I really haven't ''blogged'' in about a year or so. It seems cathartic, journaling the trials and tribulations of my trivial everyday life for nobody in particular to read. And maybe it'll do me some good, you know, and someday I will be remarkably less insane and I will publish these as my memoirs.

It's highly unlikely, and perhaps a bit late to be resolute in this , but I think maybe I'll resign myself to making one short post a day for the rest of the year. I would probably never write much, and I cannot guarantee that I would ever have anything of remarkable interest to say, but as previously stated it might be cathartic to chronicle my daily activities in a more interesting way than simply updating my Twitter status.

I guess I should start by talking about what I've been up to lately. It's been winter vacation for the last month now and I can honestly say that I really haven't accomplished much thus far. I've cranked my way through Odd Hours, American Psycho, and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies over the break and honestly wasn't astounded by any of them except Odd Hours. Dean Koontz has a way with words and has developed the character of Odd well beyond the scope of many other authors that I've read in the same genre. I fell in love with the series during high school and haven't stopped reading it since. I sincerely hope that Odd Hours wasn't the end of the series, not only because the book ended with a total cliffhanger but also because it doesn't seem like it should be over yet. I'm currently finishing the introduction to Frued's Interpretation of Dreams and eventually will crank through that and start on Dante's Inferno, but it's been slow reading so far and I've got a lot coming up that will hinder my ability to read leisurely.

For starters, I'm going to be moving here shortly. Our house is in foreclosure and has been for the last 6 months or so, and the deadline for homelessness is rapidly approaching. My sister and I have an apartment viewing at 4:30 tomorrow and I also called to inquire about another apartment that I'm waiting to hear back from. It may be a little complicated since I don't have a job yet, but I chose to take out a student loan in order to cover my rent until I'm able to find one.

I've been hunting for work since shortly after Christmas and I'm rapidly losing faith in my ability to find work. I've applied at a myriad of places and have only heard back from one that proceeded to turn me down, so I'm not only getting a bit frustrated but also a bit scared. If I can't find work, then I'll make it really hard for my sister and I to keep a roof over our heads and food in our house. I'm not even be too picky, I've really lowered my standards to what I think is a good job in hopes of procuring a little slice of economy for myself. And still I have no luck. It makes me wonder if I'm not horribly defunct in some way that I'm just not aware of while all potential employers are.

To top it off, school is starting in less than a week and I have both yet to procure any of my books, which will probably cost me around 300 bucks, let alone prepare myself for the 35 hours a week of class that I'll be attending. Here I was hoping to finish both of my associate's degrees by May that I crammed my schedule with classes only to discover that damned physical ed class that'll take another semester to complete, and I'm stuck with academic overload galore throughout spring.

In other likely aspects, men still suck and no matter how much you care, it's entirely unlikely they'll care in return. However, that's only romatically and otherwise I've made some good male friends that I do care about a great deal. Alex keeps me grounded on a daily basis and offers me insight, friendship, conversation and company that I've been missing lately. Chris manages to crack me up and despite mildly taunting my feelings at times, I firmly believe I am lucky to know him and I really wish he was closer so we could actually hang out as much as we talk on Skype. Aaron and I are closer than ever; we've barely argued lately and I'm so proud and blessed that he's working on his sobriety and looking forward to his future. Speaking of, I had promised to call him back and got caught up in this mess....

D and I aren't as close as we used to be, which tears me up. I was so close to idolizing the guy for the longest time that it's tough for me to watch him sign in and not ask for a game of pool or to tell him about my day. I remember when he was deployed I would tell him about my day on my lunch break and send him these big long letters about my life. I miss that. We seemed so close then.

Honestly, it's getting late and I'm getting tired so I'm logging off for now. Happy reading, whoever you are.

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